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Odorless Thinner 125ml Bob Ross

For thinning oil colors and cleaning brushes and other materials. To make oil colors leaner.

The practice of painting in oils requires the use of solvents both to thin the paint and to clean brushes and accessories. While turpentine is the most popular, there are others with a less unpleasant odor.


For maximum results, follow the rule of fat over lean !


Odorless Thinner 125ml Bob Ross


    Les frais de ports sont calculés en fonction du poids total de la commande et de sa longueur :

    < à 2 kg : 9.-

    2.01 kg à 5 kg : 14.-

    5.01 kg à 10 kg : 19.-

    10.01 kg à 30 kg : 26.-

    Au delà de 30 kg ou de 60 cm : 29.-


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